Washing Guide

Welcome to the Tubie Accessory Care Oasis – your go to destination for keeping your essentials in pristine condition! 

Our Washing Guide section is a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and a step-by-step manual to ensure the upmost care for your Tubie pads, clips, and valve covers. Dive into a world of expert advice, discover the art of maintaining Tubie Pad hygiene, and master the secrets to extend the life of your cherished Tubie accessories. From ingenious tricks to a detailed step-by-step guide, we've got your Tubie care routine covered. Because your Tubie gear deserves nothing but the best!

Care instructions we recommend to ensure longevity and cleanliness :

Scroll down for our in-depth, step-by-step guides! Here's a quick summary highlighting the key points to remember.

Remove surface stains before washing

use a gentle cycle with mild detergent in a mesh bag

reshape the pad, and air dry (you can put the pads on a low spin only cycle to spin out some of the water and aid drying time) .

Avoid fabric softeners, hot wash, and tumble drying. Do not bleach.

For an extended wearability and to maintain the softest fleece wash after wash ,we recommend hand washing with a hand wash specific detergent made for delicates.

Tubie clip care instructions :

The plastic clip is integrated in the overall Tubie clip so clips must be washed by hand to prolong the lifetime of the product. spot clean by wiping with a damp cloth and mild detergent/soap and leave laying flat to air dry.

our top tips and tricks for a successful machine washing experience

A Step-by-step Machine Washing Guide

storing your tubie pads if you cant wash right away

Life gets busy, and washing Tubie pads immediately might not always be possible. Here's a simple guide to store them properly until you can give them the care they deserve:

**if stained / heavily soiled **

Rinse if Possible:
- If the Tubie pads have been heavily soiled , try to rinse them with cold water as soon as possible. This helps prevent stains from setting.

Air Dry:
- Allow the rinsed pads to air dry completely before storing. Hanging them around a clothes hanger , underwear hanger or laying them flat on a towel is preferable.

for most pads though heres our top tips for storage

1. **Avoid Sealed Containers:**
- Store Tubie pads in a breathable environment. Avoid sealed plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and lead to unpleasant odors or mold.

2. **Choose a Clean Container:**
- Use a clean, dry container or a breathable fabric bag to store the pads. Ensure the container is free from any residual moisture.

3. **Keep in a Cool, Dry Place:**
- Store the container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Excessive heat and humidity can promote bacterial growth and affect the fabric.

4. **Regular Check:**
- Periodically check stored Tubie pads for any signs of mildew, discoloration, or unusual odors

5. **Wash at the Earliest Convenience:**
- As soon as you can, wash the stored Tubie pads following the recommended care instructions. Prompt washing helps maintain hygiene and prolongs the life of the pads.

Remember, the key is to keep them dry and in a clean environment until you can give them the attention they need.

washing your tubie pads

Our Washing Guide section is a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and a step-by-step manual to ensure the upmost care for your Tubie pads, clips, and valve covers.

Step 1 **Preparation:**

- Gather your used Tubie pads.
- Check for any stains or spots that need pre-treatment.

Step 2 **Pre-Treatment for Stains:**

**Pre-Treatment for Stains:**
- Apply a small amount of stain remover or a mixture of mild detergent and water directly to any stained areas.
Delicately massage the stained area using your fingertips or a ultra-soft brush, such as a toothbrush. Another effective technique is to gently rub the fabric against itself, providing a method of gentle scrubbing for stain removal.

Step 3 **Sort by Color:**

**Sort by Color:**
- Separate light-colored and dark-colored Tubie pads to prevent color bleeding.

Step 4 **Load into Washing Machine:** - unless you are handwashing of course !

**Load into Washing Machine:**
- Place the sorted Tubie pads into a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to protect them during the wash.
- Use a gentle cycle on your washing machine to ensure the longevity of the fabric.

Step 5 **Select Detergent:**

**Select Detergent:**
- Choose a mild, fragrance-free detergent suitable for sensitive skin to avoid irritation.

For significant stains or feed leaks, consider prewashing with a biological detergent. This specially formulated detergent contains enzymes designed to effectively break down food and waste particles, ensuring a thorough cleaning process.

Step 6 **Washing Process:**

**Washing Process:**
- Set the water temperature to cool or lukewarm to prevent shrinkage.
- Add the selected detergent according to the machine's instructions.

-add any stain removers - Here at LB we personally use Vanish Oxi Action 0% Fabric Stain Remover

- !! do not add softener or bleach products !!

**Avoid Fabric Softeners:**

**Avoid Fabric Softeners:**
- Skip fabric softeners, as they can reduce the absorbency of the pads.

Step 7 **Extra Rinse Cycle:**

**Extra Rinse Cycle:**
- Consider an additional rinse cycle to ensure all detergent residues are removed.

Step 8 ** Spin out extra water ** (optional)

** Spin out extra water ** (optional)
you can put the pads on a low, spin only cycle to spin out some of the water and aid drying time
- note: you must place pads in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase so they don't spin loose and break in your washing machine.

Step 9 **Air Dry:**

**Air Dry:**
- After washing, reshape the Tubie pads and lay them flat to air dry.
- Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading and distortion of the fabric.

Step 10 **Check for Residue:**

**Check for Residue:**
- Inspect the pads for any remaining stains after washing.
- If needed, repeat the stain removal process before storing or reusing.

Step 11 **Storage:**

- Store the clean and dry Tubie pads in a clean, dry place ready for your next use.


**Note:** Always follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer for your specific Tubie pads to ensure proper maintenance and longevity.

our top tips and tricks for Handwashing your tubie pads - the best way to wash Bellie button pads !

A Step-by-step Hand Washing Guide

storing your tubie pads if you cant wash right away

Life gets busy, and washing Tubie pads immediately might not always be possible. Here's a simple guide to store them properly until you can give them the care they deserve:

**if stained / heavily soiled **

Rinse if Possible:
- If the Tubie pads have been used, try to rinse them with cold water as soon as possible. This helps prevent stains from setting.

Air Dry:
- Allow the rinsed pads to air dry completely before storing. Hanging them around a clothes hanger , underwear hanger or laying them flat on a towel is preferable.

for most pads though heres our top tips for storage

1. **Avoid Sealed Containers:**
- Store Tubie pads in a breathable environment. Avoid sealed plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and lead to unpleasant odors or mold.

2. **Choose a Clean Container:**
- Use a clean, dry container or a breathable fabric bag to store the pads. Ensure the container is free from any residual moisture.

3. **Keep in a Cool, Dry Place:**
- Store the container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Excessive heat and humidity can promote bacterial growth and affect the fabric.

4. **Regular Check:**
- Periodically check stored Tubie pads for any signs of mildew, discoloration, or unusual odors

5. **Wash at the Earliest Convenience:**
- As soon as you can, wash the stored Tubie pads following the recommended care instructions. Prompt washing helps maintain hygiene and prolongs the life of the pads.

Remember, the key is to keep them dry and in a clean environment until you can give them the attention they need.

washing your tubie pads

Hand washing Tubie pads is a simple and effective way to maintain their longevity and cleanliness. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Hand washing ensures a gentle and careful cleaning process, preserving the quality and absorbency of Tubie pads.

Step 1 **Preparation:**

- Gather your used Tubie pads.
- Check for any stains or spots that need pre-treatment.

Step 2 **Pre-Treatment for Stains:**

**Pre-Treatment for Stains:**
- Apply a small amount of stain remover or a mixture of mild detergent and water directly to any stained areas.
- Delicately massage the stained area using your fingertips or a ultra-soft brush, such as a toothbrush. Another effective technique is to gently rub the fabric against itself, providing a method of gentle scrubbing for stain removal.

Step 3 **Sort by Color:**

**Sort by Color:**
- Separate light-colored and dark-colored Tubie pads to prevent color bleeding.

Step 4 ** Get your washing station ready **

Fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water. Ensure it's large enough to comfortably accommodate the Tubie pads. - we recommend a mini washing up bowl designated to your tubie pads for this.

Step 5 **Select Detergent:**

**Select Detergent:**
Opt for a mild, fragrance-free detergent specifically designed for hand washing, ensuring it is suitable for sensitive skin to prevent irritation. Consider using a hand washing detergent specifically tailored to delicates (it will specify this on the front label), which are excellent choices and conveniently available in small bottles for easy storage.

Add a small amount to the water.

For significant stains or feed leaks, consider prewashing with a biological detergent. This specially formulated detergent contains enzymes designed to effectively break down food and waste particles, ensuring a thorough cleaning process.

Step 6 **6 stage Washing Process:** - part 1 **Submerge the Pads:**

**Submerge the Pads:**
- Place the Tubie pads into the soapy water, ensuring they are fully submerged.

**Washing Process:**- part 2 **Gentle Agitation:**

**Gentle Agitation:**
- Gently agitate the water with your hands to create a soapy solution. Allow the pads to soak for a few minutes.

**Washing Process:**- part 3 **extended soaking**

**extended soaking**

Allow the pads to soak for atleast 10-15 minutes if particularly soiled (a slighlty warmer temperature water will also help with this soaking process )

**Washing Process:** - part 4 **Spot Cleaning:**

**Spot Cleaning:**
- If there are specific stained areas, gently rub them with your fingertips or an ultra-soft brush, like a toothbrush.

**Washing Process:** - part 5 **Rinse Thoroughly:**

**Rinse Thoroughly:**
- Drain the soapy water and refill the basin with clean, lukewarm water for rinsing.
- Rinse the Tubie pads thoroughly, ensuring all soap is washed away.
- a colander or sieve is great for rinsing under a running tap

( remember to use a seperate colander to the one you cook with to prevent cross contamination ! )

**Washing Process:** - part 6 **Press Out Excess Water:**

**Press Out Excess Water:**
- Press the pads between your hands to remove excess water. Avoid wringing, as this can distort the fabric.

step 8 ** Spin out extra water ** (optional)

** Spin out extra water ** (optional)
you can put the pads on a low, spin only cycle to spin out some of the water and aid drying time
- note: you must place pads in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase so they don't spin loose and break in your washing machine.

Step 9 **Air Dry:**

**Air Dry:**
- After washing, reshape the Tubie pads and lay them flat to air dry.
- Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading and distortion of the fabric.

Step 10 **Check for Residue:**

**Check for Residue:**
- Inspect the pads for any remaining stains after washing.
- If needed, repeat the stain removal process before storing or reusing.

Step 11 **Storage:**

- Store the clean and dry Tubie pads in a clean, dry place ready for your next use.


**Note:** Always follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer for your specific Tubie pads to ensure proper maintenance and longevity.

Top Tubie pad Tips and Advice Tidbits

Washing bamboo fleece

use cold water and a gentle cycle or hand washing to prevent shrinkage. 

Use a mild detergent that is delicate on the organic fibres (and your sensitive skin) and avoiding fabric softeners as these will affect absorbency. 

Air-dry to maintain the fabric's softness and integrity.

To expedite the drying of bamboo fleece:

Bamboo Tubie Pads are like the superheroes of dryness with their unmatchable water absorbency  and  moisture wicking qualities.

Fun fact :  Bamboo can hold up to 3 times it’s weight in water so our 2 layers of bamboo hold tonnes of moisture!

For this reason they can take a while to dry out fully so we’ve tried and tested some tips to Expedite the process. 

 Ensuring they are 100% dry is Essential as not only do they  not perform well when wet due to having less absorption capacity, . No one wants Post-wash moistness lingering around their stoma as dryness is what we are trying to achieve after all and a soggy stoma can get rather sore !

here's the Downlow on Drying in a dash ...

Tip 1: Spin out extra water :you can put the pads on a low, spin only cycle to spin out some of the water and aid drying time **note: you must place pads in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase so they don't spin loose and break in your washing machine.**

Tip 2: Use a Towel: After washing, gently squeeze out excess water and roll the bamboo fleece pads in a dry towel to absorb additional moisture.

Tip 3: Air Circulation: Hang the tubie pads in an area with good air circulation. Using a fan or opening windows can help speed up the drying process

Tip 4: Choose a Sunny Spot: If weather permits, place the bamboo fleece in direct sunlight for a short period ie in the garden on th washing line . Sunlight can aid in drying and naturally freshen the fabric.

- top tip : so you dont have to put your tubie pads directly around your washing line , thread them over a clean , new shoelace or peice of string like you are making a bracelet and tie the ends of the lace/ string to your clothes line. or stand your clothes airer outside if you have one!

Tip 5: Dry Indoors with Ventilation: If outdoor drying isn't an option, use a well-ventilated indoor space. Position the pads near a fan or open window to enhance air circulation.

** Remember : Do not tumble dry it is important to avoid high heat to prevent damage or shrinkage.**

tips for wrinkly tubie pads to make them look brand new

always smooth out tubie pads after washing and reshape before leaving to air dry.

When ironing a Tubie pad, follow these steps:

Check the Fabric: Ensure the Tubie pad is made of fabric that can be safely ironed. Some fabrics, like synthetic blends like silk , velvet , fleece , lace , lycra or other delicate materials, are not suitable for ironing.


Adjust Temperature: Set your iron to the appropriate temperature for the fabric. If the Tubie pad is made of bamboo fleece or a similar material, use a low to medium heat setting.

Use a Pressing Cloth: Place a clean, thin cloth or a pressing cloth over the Tubie pad before ironing. This adds a protective layer and prevents direct contact between the iron and the fabric.

Iron Around press studs , iron around them rather than directly over them to avoid damage as the plastic will melt.

our tips for stains

For bodily fluid stains it’s important you act quickly to reduce staining and to promote good hygiene.  

promptly rinse with cold water to prevent setting. 

Pre-treat the stain with a an appropriate stain remover and liquid detergent. 

Avoid hot water, as it can set protein stains. 

Wash the garment in cold water, and check the stain before drying; heat can make it more challenging to remove.

To remove blood stains, Rinse the stain with cold water to prevent setting. Soak the garment in cold water with salt or mild detergent. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water as a paste. Gently rub the stained area, then launder as usual. Avoid hot water, as it can set blood stains.

To remove vomit or feed stains, scrape off any excess material, then rinse the stained area with cold water. Pre-treat the stain with a mixture of dish soap and water, or use a stain remover. Launder the garment in cold water, and check for the stain before drying. For stubborn stains, repeat the process before drying. Avoid hot water, as it can set certain stains. You can Pre-treat the spot with a mixture of mild detergent and water or an enzymatic stain remover. 

it's not uncommon for people to use Napisan (or a similar product) to wash their tubie pads. Napisan is a brand of laundry sanitizer and stain remover that is known for its antibacterial properties. Using it can help ensure that the pads are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

When using Napisan to wash tubie pads , Follow Product Instructions: Always follow the instructions provided on the Napisan packaging for the correct usage and dosage.

Spill the Suds: we want your Wash 'n Wisdom so if you've Got a laundry secret? Spill the beans , share your tubie pad washing wizardry with us!